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Champion Credit Union Phone Number Being Spoofed

Champion Credit Union has been notified that multiple people have received a phone call or text message from 419-407-4140 (CCU phone number).  The calls and text messages present as if it is the fraud department requesting the receiver to verify a transaction (appears to be a fictitious transaction).  Fraud management will not call or text from 419-407-4140.  The actual fraud department calls should come from (833) ***-****  and texts from 3***** (redacted to help keep this number from being spoofed).  If you receive a call or text from 419-407-4140 attempting to verify transaction information, do not give them any personal information, instead please contact the credit union directly by dialing 419-407-4140.


Fraud Texts and Calls - What to Expect...

Getting a text or call about potential fraudulent transactions can be nerve racking.  How do you know if the call or text is legitimate? 

If you receive a text message, it will ask you to confirm if you attempted a specific dollar amount at a specific merchant with card ending in ****  by replying with Yes or No.  If you did authorize the transaction, simply text back Yes.  If not, text back No.  If you text back No, you will receive a message that “your card will be temporarily locked/blocked”.  This is to prevent other unauthorized transactions from getting approved.  You do not need to reply to the second message stating your card has been locked/blocked unless you want to opt out.  You will then need to contact the Credit Union to get a new card ordered.  The Fraud Department cannot order new cards, only a CCU staff member can do so.

If you get a call, or call the number provided in the text, and it is regarding a transaction using your CCU Platinum Rewards Visa Credit Card, to verify your identity, cardholders are asked to provide the case number and/or telephone number listed on the account along with one or more of the following; the last four digits of the social security number or tax identification number (you will not be asked for the entire number), the date of birth or zip code.  You will not be asked for your card number or account number either. 

If you get a call, or call the number provided in the text, and it is regarding a transaction using your CCU Mastercard Debit Card, to verify your identity, cardholders may be asked to provide card number, name on card, last four digits of the social security number or tax identification number (you will not be asked for the entire number), zip code, or address.  You will not be asked for your account number. 

The two types of cards have different Fraud Departments that are not linked in any way.  If you are reviewing transactions for your CCU Platinum Rewards Visa, they can not also review transactions done using your CCU Mastercard Debit Card, or vice versa, nor can they review non card related account transactions.  If you are uncomfortable or suspicious, do not give them any information.  You can use the SecurLock App (for CCU Platinum Rewards Visa) or CardValet App (for CCU Mastercard Debit Cards) available in your app store to lock your card and then contact a CCU staff member during office hours to confirm the validity of the call and transactions.

Both SecurLock and CardValet apps allow you to monitor your cards activity and to turn your cards on/off.  If you have questions regarding the apps, please reach out to a CCU staff member and we will be happy to assist.